The Dos & Don'ts For The Perfect Bridal Makeup

Parvathya Sripadhan 8 years ago

Bridal makeup is very versatile, it always depends on the occasion and of course the bride herself. However, there are certain tips and tricks can be followed to ensure your bridal make-up is it’s beautiful best. So here are some simple dos and don'ts that will definitely help you win your bridal make-up look:

The Dos

Makeup based on features:

The latest trend may be a highly chiselled and contoured look or may be an extensive winged eyeliner, although it’s great to keep up with the trends, make-up should be very individualistic. Every face has different features and concentrating on those features and creating a suitable look is essential especially for a bridal make-up.

Less is more:

Weddings are definitely an elaborate affair but the make-up for it doesn’t have to be. When looking back on your wedding album, you want to be able to say that your make-up was appropriate. A subtle look will go a long way rather than a full blown face of make-up. For it to be appropriate for the occasion ensure your make-up is smooth and wearable.

Pre-makeup care is important:

Skincare before makeup is a step that many brides forget. This is must before you apply layered make-up since it helps with it sitting on your skin better and gives a more natural look and feel. With such heavy duty make-up, prior skincare will also help calm your skin down. Develop a strict skincare routine well before the wedding and carry it through.

Make-up fix spray is essential:

Everyone knows that Indian weddings have some of the longest ceremonies and you need to take special measures for your make-up to last long. Make-up fixing spray is an easy way to ensure this without much fuss. Invest in a good one by a reputable brand and ensure you keep spraying in different stages of your make-up to make sure of the best durability.

Always hydrate and rest well:

A non-make up trick that cannot be stressed upon enough is to keep yourself hydrated and refreshed especially through this stressful period. Getting enough sleep is also important since that is what gives your skin a plump and youthful glow. The better you rest and lesser you’ll need make-up to cover problem areas.

The Don’ts

No Cake-ing on foundation:

A cardinal error that most people end up making is cake-ing on or adding too many layers of their foundation to make it last long. This is a big make-up faux pas and should be avoided especially on a bride. Under the bright eyes and the constant photography, the foundation will look artificial and chalky through the day.

Avoid intense hair oil the previous day:

Of course hair care is important but loading your hair with oil the night before can be a risky game to play a day before the wedding. Not only is excess oil, difficult to wash away but it also seeps into the skin and can lead to sudden breakouts. Keeping the oil through the night will make the skin oily too and be a deterrent for the make-up sitting well on your skin.

Monitor your food intake:

Avoid greasy and oily food the previous day which may again cause issues with your skin. The food you take the previous day of the wedding makeup must be something that you are used to having, experimenting can take a wrong turn at the last minute with some allergy. Since your food affects your skin, you need to be extra careful before your final wedding make-up.  

Don’t use the wrong shades:

A big point to consider is the right shade of foundation for your skin tone. Many brides are suggested to go for foundations that are much lighter than their own skin which will end up looking very flawed and unnatural. So going to a professional and letting them get the right shade for you, is very essential.

Don’t overfill/overdraw:

A trend that is all over the west and has spread over here as well is over-drawing of lips and over-drawing of eyebrows. This is unnecessary as Indians/Asians are naturally gifted with full shaped eyebrows, usually and overdrawing will only make it look very fake. Overfilling lips to make them look plumper should also be done in moderation to look appropriate for the occasion.

A wedding look is something a bride will cherish and look back at, many years down the line as well. To ensure your bridal moment is a shining and special one, approach Professional Bridal Makeup Services, then you too dazzle your way down the aisle.

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