A to Z Music Academy Sector 31 - Gurugram Gurgaon

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Sector 31 - Gurugram, Gurgaon Business Locality
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Services offered
Instrumental Music Classes, Vocal Music Classes, Musical Instruments

A to Z Music Academy offers a diverse range of musical experiences, from learning instruments (Guitar, Ukulele, Violin, Piano, Keyboards, Harmonium, Tabla, Dholak, Bongo-Congos, Cajon, Flute, Mouth Organ, Melodica, Other Percussions) and Vocals to understanding music theory. The specialized teachers provide theoretical and practical aspects of music and a learning experience like never before. With us, you learn and build your portfolio which helps you to build your career & maximize your potential as a professional artist.

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Contact Person

Mr. Ashish


Sector 40, Sector 31, Sector 37D, Velley View, Faridabad road, Sector 31 - Gurugram, Gurgaon - 122001

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