Luckiest Zodiac Signs Of 2020

Jenson 5 years ago

These four zodiac signs will be the luckiest in 2020. The start of a new year can be a great time to set Intentions and look for ways to make positive changes in the months to come.

That’s why millions of people will make new years resolutions and hope they will have better relationships, job opportunities and other exciting changes in 2020 as a result. But for a select few zodiac signs, all that is going to fall into their laps seemingly. Thanks to what’s going on in their astrological chart. 

The luckiest zodiac signs in 2020 are:

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus will have a lot of opportunities to step outside your comfort zone in 2020. As a sign of the bull Taurus is all about finding a routine and sticking with it. Chances are they have been doing the same thing for the past few years, and feel pretty great about it. But due to the fact Uranus, the planet of unexpected, will be travelling through their sign for the next few years and they might be surprised by a sudden desire to shake things up in 2020.

New and unusual people places and things are on the horizon for Taurus, And that can mean finally stepping outside of their comfort zone. This is an idea they might reject at first, but in time it will all seem pretty appealing. To take full advantage, Torres might want to start the year by promising themselves that they will be open to these new experiences as they arise. Jupiter Saturn And Pluto occupied Tauruses 9th house all year, bringing opportunities for travel, continued education and deep spiritual connection.

Scorpio (October 23– November 21)

The most significant changes for Scorpio in 2020 will revolve around their love life.2019 was a tough year for Scorpios. They had their fair share of erratic relationships due to Uranus in the seventh house of partnership which led to ups and downs, commitments and breakups. Nap tune the planet of illusions, it has also been travelling through Scorpios fifth hours of Romance for a while. Keeping things wage and foggy concerning their love life. But once March rolls around, that’s all going to change. From March 6 to April 3 of Twenty20 Venus travelling through Scorpio seventh house of partnership Scorpio quell any matters of the heart and allows getting the love life back on track. During this time, an existing relationship may turn into something more, or they might meet someone entirely new and hit things off. For Scorpio the most significant changes in Twenty20 will revolve around the people they know, bringing new opportunities and better connections. 

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius may feel like settling down in 2020 even though they typically love their freedom. If anything defines Sagittarius, it’s how much the value no strings attached lifestyle. This is a sign that doesn’t like to be held down by anything or anyone. They want to be able to live out of town at moments noticing and find adventure whenever the mood strikes. That’s why 2020, a new change for this sign will be a new desire to look closely at the relationships and possibly even settle down too. Lunar Eclipses on the Gemini/ Sagittarius axis, one in June and the other in November, shift the energy is making them more conducive to being with that certain someone special. Anyone speaking their interest, Sagittarius may find themselves rethinking what life might look like, and how they can include a partner into the mix. Once they are with someone they care about, they’ll have an easier time seeing how they can make all parts of their life work together.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorn is going to experience a lot of change in their life in 2020. When you look at an astrological chart, it’s clear that 2020 will be full of significant changes for Capricorn. On January 12 there will be the conjunction of Bluto and Saturn, in your first house of self. Powerful connections may prove beneficial to you, and this is also the beginning of a very transformative year for you. Jupiter will even be hanging out the next 12 months, which can mean a lot of great opportunities are coming their way. Capricorn will want to weigh the pros and cons of each and make sure they think twice before making any significant changes due to the sheer volume of options. January, June and July are months that hold eclipses on the Capricorn/Cancer axis.

That can mean shedding partnerships that aren’t working for ditching friends that haven’t been a good match and feel much different as a result.

Please take a look at our other zodiac services, click to know new year discount on all Astrology services.

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