Give your Home a Quick Makeover with these Tips!

Kali Rawat 10 years ago

Steve Jobs once famously said, “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” He couldn’t have said it better. Design is everywhere. And with so many options around us it can be tough to choose a look that is best suited to our needs. Then there is the issue of wanting to re-invent every now and then… after all, the only constant in human life is change! But in the context of homes, re-inventing is not all that easy. It requires a lot of effort and money too. Well, you might be wrong there. Redesigning doesn’t need to be a finance-draining process. Piqued? Read on for tips on how you can give your home a quick makeover!



Transform the old

A makeover doesn’t merely mean bringing it new elements. It is also about working with what you have and getting creative with it!

The quickest way to transform a space is to rearrange the furniture. Make a drawing of your room which includes all the furniture in it.  Next visualise different combinations until you discover a set-up that pleases your eyes the most. Remember, with well-thought out furniture placement and accessory arrangement, the entire house/room can gain a totally new look.

Be wise, be economical

The furniture you have should be both functional and nice to look at. For example, a rich sofa-set or tea table can spruce up the space while also lending itself to good use, as opposed to mere decorative objects. 

The changes you make to a room should not burn a hole in your pocket, so understand that redesigning also means rearranging old elements.



Empty the room

Redesigning too is an art and you might need a blank canvas to start with… so, empty the space in question. You’ll be able to visualise new set-ups better.




Art work and accessories will add to the look of a room only if the furniture placement is properly-planned. Furniture should be placed such that the room is balanced and allows for easy movement. Sofas should be arranged such that conversation is easy.

If at all your room needs new furniture, decide on what to buy after you do the initial rearrangement. This way you will exactly know what to buy, the size, colour and other specifications.


After putting the furniture in its place, get to the lighting. Most homes only employ tube lights and night lamps... very few homes invest in fancy fixtures. Designers suggest that every room have three lamps for adequate ambient lighting. Go for a triangular arrangement of the lights.

You can also add some accent lighting to highlight statement décor pieces.



Artwork and accessories

Now onto decorating the space with art work and creative accessories! Make sure the colour of the accessories goes with the shade of the furniture and flooring.


Source: homehousedesign

Once this is done, sit and think about creative ways in which you can place these objects- don’t underestimate what a big difference this can make!

Well, that’s it from me. Hope you found these tips useful. Write in with your own tips… I’d love to hear them and perhaps even implement them in my own house.


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