Top List of Education Loan Providers in Kakinada. Get a Education loan with a low interest rate. Also, get an instant student Loan, study loan, ed loan, and more. Find the best Education Loan service providers near your location. as on Oct 13, 2024

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Vile Parle East, Mumbai, 400047 ( Also serves in Kakinada )
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Response Time: Within 15 MinsSulekha score: 3.5
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Working hours: 10 AM to 7 PM, Hired on Sulekha: 2 times

Invest4edu Private Limited, located in Vile Parle East, Mumbai, is a specialist in education loans, helping students achieve their academic goals both in India and abroad. They offer flexible loan options ranging from ?6 to ?20 lakhs, with a focus on providing quick loan approvals, often within two weeks. Their services are tailored to meet the specific financial needs of students, providing customized loan solutions with competitive interest rates. With a dedicated team of professionals, they ensure a smooth and hassle-free loan process, guiding clients through every step.

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Available Loan Types:
  • Offering 2 different types of loans
Loan Amount Range:
  • From ₹5 Lakhs to ₹20 Lakhs and above
  • Depending on the type of loan
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