6 Craft Classes You Can Consider For Your Child!

Elisa Vincent 7 years ago

Holidays are a child’s most anticipated time of the year. However, after a few days of waking up late and watching endless TV, kids start getting restless and bored. It would become tedious for the parents to keep the children occupied through the day. Hobby classes are a productive and entertaining way for children to be kept upbeat during their long vacations. It is important to find out where the child’s interest lies and choose a class accordingly.

Here are 6 art and craft classes you can consider for your child:


This is a form of intricate needle work to transfer images onto cloth. From simple images to complicated ones, there are various stiches to master in this class. You can consider this as a short course or proceed to study about the more complicated stitches and patterns depending on the child’s inclination towards it.


A relaxing and equally creative form of craft, pottery classes might include just the making of clay figurines or even handling the potter’s wheel. Using the potter’s wheel requires more intensive training than just clay modelling. Hence, you can choose a class according to the time available.


Origami is a Japanese craft form which includes folding paper to create decorative objects and figures. Suitable for even small kids, this paper craft has various levels of difficulty to offer according to your capability and age.


Painting classes have a variety of art classes to offer ranging from water colour painting to oil painting. To take up painting, you might require some basic knowledge in sketching or drawing so as to create the framework for the painting. If you child has been exhibiting excellent drawing skills, you can let the, directly proceed to a basic painting class.

Jewellery making

Jewellery making is not just a hobby, but can also be converted into a business once mastered. Suitable for children and adults alike, this craft uses beads, embellishments, terracotta etc. to create jewellery pieces.

Flower making

From paper flowers to fabric flowers, flower making classes specialise in teaching a variety of techniques. Just like jeweller making, you can make a profession out of this craft once you master it. Handmade flowers are now extensively used for decorations and in demand. Kids and adults alike can pursue this class during their free time.

While a child might not be able to pick up the whole craft during the vacation, you would at least be able to give them an introduction to it. This way, you can always choose to send them for advanced classes if they show interest in it. For a good foundation in whatever is being taught, it is important that you send your kids to recognised craft classes in the city.

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