Guru Ramdass Home Tutorial has vast experience in the field. We provide Home & Private Tuitions and IIT-JEE Coaching. All our faculties are highly qualified and experiences persons. For more details kindly contact us.
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282, Street No. 8, Banda Bahadur Nagar, Bhadur Ke Road, Ludhiana
Gurinder Singh from Ludhiana
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Give your best attempt at IIT JEE exam with the best coaching centres listed at Sulekha in Alipurduar
If you have always dreamt of becoming an Engineer or Architecture then getting admitted into the best college will be your first priority. This is when the IIT JEE exam comes into the picture. This exam can help students get the best of courses from prestigious IITs or NITs so that they can fulfil their dreams vehemently. Sulekha avails students with verified service providers i.e. home tuitions in Alipurduar so that students can prepare themselves in a better way.
Specifics about IIT JEE exam
The IIT JEE exam is an impeccable gateway to the Engineering/Architecture course from either NITs or IITs where it can also open a lot of wonderful opportunities to the candidates. IIT JEE is also called a Joint Entrance Examination which is conducted in 3 phases, i.e. Main, Advanced and Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT)
Prime preparation tips and registration process details
Success in this exam cannot be done in just a mere 3 or 6 months of preparation since at least 1 year of sheer hard work is required to ace the exam. We at Sulekha bring you some important nitty-gritty preparation tips so that you can study well.
The students should make sure to understand the exam pattern well
At least 6 hours a day should be devoted to studies and 30 minutes should be kept for revision
Preparation is the ultimate key, so try to solve as many questions as you can while keeping time limit and negative marking in mind
Take online mock tests so that you can know your speed and accuracy
The fee criterion depends on the phase of the exam you are writing.
Category - General/OBC (NCL)/ Gen- Male
JEE Main Application Fee (Single Paper)
Rs. 650
Rs 325
B.Tech/B.E and B.Arch Or B.Tech/B.E/ and B. Planning Or B.Tech/B.E, B.Arch and B.Planning Or B.Planning and B.Arch
Rs. 1300
Rs. 650
How can Sulekha help students ace the exam?
Sulekha is an impeccable platform that helps students in finding the best home tuitions in Alipurduar. The students can specify their criterions and based on those, Sulekha will churn out the best home tuitions in Alipurduar. You can also view the tuition details, reviews, ratings and much more so that you can select the best coaching.
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