Setting up a Home Gym

Rohit .G 12 years ago

It wasn’t the deterrence of the house-is-small (does fine for a bachelor, I’d say), that finally decided it for me. It was the bachelor’s lifestyle, the beer tummy coming through my otherwise fit (ok, I can see my sister laughing!) body that urged the mirror to tell me to either hit  (the gym) or hate (myself)!  But the gym was far and by the time I come home from my work it is late in the night – a quick do with friends and a movie or bar-hopping and I am sloshed at home sleeping till 9 and then work comes to haunt till 8 in the night and so I went putting it off, till the girls in the office noticed and I realized that if the mountain cannot go to Mohammad, Mohammad will have to do something about it.

And so it was that I got myself a home gym. Quickly cleared out the books and cd heap in the corner of the bedroom, set up my treadmill and started swooshing up and down it much to the annoyance of my neighbours.

Since I am pretty chuffed about it, here are my tips to set up home gym:

  • Go through what is available in the market carefully and buy products only from those who are well established and can give after sales services, because inevitably these will need servicing.
  • Buy only the bare essentials – I bought a treadmill and a good exercising mat for stretches and push ups.
  • I bought of course a fitness ball and dumb bells – you can move around pushing iron - helps to impress the girl in front of the flat as well.
  • They say add mirrors to make the area look big, but if you are in a small place as it is, doesn’t help, I think.
  • A music system, hopefully you have one already, or why do we have streaming music on the net?
  • And finally get the equipment and your whole set up checked upon by a fitness trainer, to be able to give you final tips on how to go about it. Especially if you have never gymmed.

Now you have no excuses for not going from fat to fit!

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