5 Local SEO Strategies For Small Businesses

Suhasini Bhaskar 4 years ago

A strong SEO strategy is crucial for small and medium organizations that wish to compete in the same field as equivalent to larger organizations. A solid SEO strategy can do wonders and help you establish your brand, create awareness, and build credibility among users. Having said that, SEO requires constant commitment and patience to work its wonders. Every industry has competitors with different strengths and functioning. While some have allocated huge funds, some may have the right resources to optimize the web visibility and search engine mechanism. Small budding organizations may feel intimidated, but local SEO can be your prince in shining armor when implemented the right way.

Image credits- Google

Start by understanding the unique characteristics of SEO and narrow down some cost-effective SEO strategies to enjoy organic better search rankings. Here are some easy SEO tactics that will surely help you build a strong foundation for your business to grow online and offline.

Verify your business “Google Plus page
The very first step is to link Google My Business to your Business Google page. You can update your business information on Google search, Google Plus, and Google Maps to expand your digital reach and connect with potential customers. Log in your Google My Business dashboard regularly to update information and check if anyone has made changes to your listing information. Make the most of the features available to you, including a booking button feature, Google posts, messaging, Q&A to interact with users, and so on.

Optimize your Metadata
Optimize metadata with keywords to improve the web page ranking in the search results. Study the most searched queries and optimize the headsets, images, meta descriptions using those relevant key phrases. Avoid overstuffing your metadata with too many keywords. Be precise and keep the description simple using persuasive meta tags and meta descriptions. For easy metadata optimization, check out SEO plugins.

Pay per click advertising
Every small business must implement Pay per click advertising to build its digital presence. To drive the right type of leads, identify relevant keywords and the target audience. Selling a product or service that is difficult for users to find locally is ideal for PPC advertising campaigns. Customers rely on internet searches to find unique products and services. PPC advertising covers a significant portion of your screen space on mobile. Paid ads increase the chances of appearing on top of their search results.

Host User- generate reviews
Google considers user reviews to be one of the major factors for ranking your business and also helps users know about your product and services. Potential customers find it useful to get an honest review of whether it’s worth it or not—search engine spiders like content that is unique and updated. User reviews are an easy way to create unique content distinct from the generic content on the website. User reviews mostly have vital phrases and words similar to the user search queries, thereby increasing your chances of improved SERP.                                 

Build Mobile-Friendly Landing Pages for Mobile Search Users
The impact of mobile web use has increased significantly, and businesses cannot overlook it. It is observed that people use smartphones to browse often in comparison to computers. Build a mobile-friendly page with a simple design and relevant content that adds value to the users. Make sure you keep the interface easy along with useful features such as the inquiry button, messaging option, downloading relevant information, and more. Optimize the images to ensure that the page loading speed is perfect.

I hope the above simple SEO tips help you build a strong foundation. Remember, SEO is a wide subject and requires constant dedicated efforts. Businesses must be updated with the latest Google algorithm changes and adapt accordingly. Seek professional assistance from expert digital marketing consultants for an end to end guidance. Get an edge over your peers and benefit from the right SEO strategy. Find the best digital marketing consultants near you by signing up with Sulekha.

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