
Sulekha score

The Sulekha Score is our effort to help you select a reliable Service Provider more easily. So, whether you are evaluating a number of Service Providers or hiring a specific business, you can make a confident choice using the new scoring system as part of your decision making process.*

We calculate an overall score on a 10-point system with 1 indicating 'exert caution' to10 being 'superb'. It is based on a number of signals including information the Business adds on their page, User feedback on the quality of the service provided to them, reviews and more.

The Sulekha Score makes it easier for you to choose a Service Provider

  • All Businesses are evaluated on the same set of standards.
  • Businesses cannot buy a Sulekha Score.
  • Sulekha Score is a simple scale of 1 to 10, which will help you, the User access Service Providers quickly
*The Sulekha Score is based on the information available on this site, along with User and Business interactions. We recommend that this should only be used as one of the factors to evaluate a Service Provider.

Users: Frequently asked questions about Sulekha Score

Business: Frequently asked questions about Sulekha Score

Clicking on each of the links will take them to the below respective sections.

How is Sulekha Score calculated?

Sulekha Score is calculated based on these key factors:
  • Profile information - Completeness of information on the Business profile page is measured to ensure the trustworthiness of a Business.
  • Responsiveness - How soon a Service Provider calls a User after they receives the lead. How quickly they responds to a Sulekha User's calls and other such interactions go toward calculating responsiveness.
  • Job Completion & Reviews - The service quality of a Service Provider is measured through ratings & reviews their customers write on their Business profile. A Business with more number of good reviews will have a better quality score than others.
Profile Completeness 3
Responsiveness 3
Job Completion & reviews 4
Total score 10

Where does the Sulekha Score get published?

Sulekha Score is published on the listings page for a need and is visible against each Business name. This helps you quickly compare Service Providers. It is also available on the profile page of each and every Business.

Sulekha Score is also mentioned along with the business name in the lead SMS/ Email that is sent to you.

Do Businesses have to pay or sign up to have a Sulekha Score?

Sulekha Score is computed for every Paid Business listed on our website and is based on a mathematical logic. Sulekha Score cannot be influenced by extra payments or any other medium.

How does a User benefit by selecting a Business with a high Sulekha Score?

The benefits a User gets by selecting a Service Provider with a high score:

  • The business will quickly respond to them
  • The service professionals will be well experienced veterans
  • The Service provider will provide top quality work.

How can I improve the Sulekha Score for my Business?

  • Update profile information - Update the business profile with all details and service pictures. This can be done through the business App/Business Dashboard.
  • Be responsive - Call all the users whose contact details you receive. Your score will be updated daily.
  • Submit Job Completion status and get Ratings - Every time you complete a job, ask the customer to review you in Sulekha.

Can my Sulekha Score change over time?

Sulekha Score is computed on a daily basis i.e. any information that impacts Sulekha Score will be accumulated for a day and then processed. The score change for your business can be noted when

  • You update your business profile and add more information.
  • Your business may receive better or worse reviews over a period of time, and this will change the Sulekha Score to a great extent. More recent the review, the better your score.
  • Calling Users immediately when you receive their contact details.

How does a Service Provider benefit from a high Sulekha Score?

  • Increase in customer conversions - Sulekha Users in the past always tend to choose a service provider with a higher score. Higher your score better your chance of convincing the user to choose you over others.
  • Increase in number of direct calls - More Users call Service Providers directly when they have high scores. A low score makes a User skip your listing.
  • Builds Trust - Service Providers with high scores builds a better brand and trust among Sulekha Users
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