Security systems are security hardware which includes doors, windows, locks, motion detectors, and security camera systems. These are installed on the property or home to ensure security. Most of the security systems work primarily on securing the entry points like doors, windows, and lockers which hold valuable products. The security system dealers in Hubli holds high-end security systems that protect your home from burglars. Despite the size of the house or the number of entry points present, it ultimately depends on the number of security components employed throughout the house.
What is a security system?
One can define a security system as an electronic device that sets off the alarm when someone tries to break the door, window or locker. CCTV security systems record the live video which provides evidence for many crimes and thefts. A security system is a system of interconnected components or devices that ensure the security of lives and valuable materials.
The security system varies depending upon its place of installation. The home security systems are the system of interconnected devices working together with a control panel to protect against thieves and home intruders.
The office security system involves access control, attendance control and other automation related to the requirement of the office.
How does a security system work?
The home security systems secure the entry points with sensors that send signals to the central control panel when someone tries to enter the house through them. The sensors secure the doors and windows while motion detectors secure the open spaces like a balcony.
A typical home security surveillance system includes
- A control panel
It acts as the nervous system that controls the other security components installed in the house through signals. This panel is designed to sound the alarm when in need. You can choose a safe place to keep this panel anywhere in the house including the bathroom, main door or bedroom where it is easy to access. Some security systems use your phone line or any other to alert the service provider or the local police station if you require. Commonly, a passcode is used to manage the control panel to improve security. Some of the other control panels work through voice commands or wireless remote control.
- Door and window sensors
The sensors comprise two components in which one is kept on the windows or doors while the other is fixed on the frame. The two pieces are installed adjacent to each other so when the door or window is closed the two components meet together to create a security circuit. This security circuit keeps giving information to the control panel that the points of entry present in the house is secured. When the window or door is attempted to open, these sensors alert the control panel that the security circuit is broke. This signal induces the siren to scream in most of the cases.
- Motion detectors
The function of the motion detectors is similar to the sensors. The disadvantage of the sensors is that they do not work in open spaces. This problem is solved by the motion detector which secures the open spaces inside the house. These create an invisible zone to protect the room that contains valuable things.
- Security cameras
Home security cameras are available in both wired and wireless camera connections. They are involved in different ways in a security system. Mostly the surveillance cameras are used in distant areas of the property which is far from the visibility, in remote areas which are less used, and in entry points to record the happenings. These surveillance cameras are accessible through mobile phones and computers. These cameras get employed when the homeowner is out of the city or not at home to keep an eye on the children at home or watch over on the maid, caretaker or landscapers. It also provides evidence, captures the face of the burglars possibly their vehicle number too.
- High decibel siren or alarm
As the title explains, the warning alarm is as loud as it is audible to you as well as your neighbor too. The alarm system is designed to cry when it receives information from the control panel that the security circuit is broken. Some also prefer silent alarms that secretly informs occupants and local authorities without alerting the thief.
What happens when an intruder enters your home?
The security system is meant to alert you when an intruder enters your house. The system performs certain tasks when the secured zone is disturbed. Here is how a security system responds in emergency situations.
When you secure your home with a professionally monitored security system, the alarm company gets alert when there is a security problem arising in your house along with the high decibel alarm. The security expert calls the emergency contact number you give them when registering. They primarily try to contact through the home line or mobile lines that work even in power cuts. In case of emergency services, these experts contact the police, firefighters or ambulances and monitor you until the emergency response team arrive at your home. These services are very rarely available in India while non-monitored security systems are predominantly preferred. The non-monitored security systems allow the high decibel alarms without contacting the police or emergency response team.
Protect your home with a perfect security system that caters to your requirement. You can also write and place a board depicting that the area is under the CCTV surveillance to prevent burglars from targeting your home. Get the best security system dealers by just answering few questions to make us understand your requirement.