Professional Cleaning Service Professionals in Kulgam as on Feb 09, 2025

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Bagh Mehtab, Srinagar, 190019 ( Also serves in Kulgam )
Distance: 46.11 KmsWorking hours: 09:00 am to 03:00 pm

Mohd Saqib Wani from Srinagar

"one of the best interior designing company"

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Gandhi Nagar, Jammu, 180004 ( Also serves in Kulgam )
Distance: 103.27 Kms

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Sulekha Property
Property Owners
Looking to Buy/Sell or Rent Your Property? Advertise on Sulekha Properties
Gandhi Nagar, Jammu, 180004 ( Also serves in Kulgam )
Distance: 105.08 Kms

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Jammu (Dbsbu), Jammu, 180004 ( Also serves in Kulgam )
Distance: 108.99 KmsSulekha score: 5.6

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Jammu (Dbsbu), Jammu, 180004 ( Also serves in Kulgam )
Distance: 107.45 KmsSulekha score: 5Years of Experience: 16
+1 more
Hired on Sulekha: 1 time

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Janipur, Jammu, 180007 ( Also serves in Kulgam )
Distance: 100.21 KmsSulekha score: 5.1Years of Experience: 10
+2 more
Approved By: IPCA ( Indian Pest Control Association), Service Warranty: 90 days

When it comes to buildings and workplaces, a majority of companies are looking for ways to optimize the use of space, manage facilities more effectively and realise new cost-efficiencies. Integrated Facility Services might be the right solution to do just that. You've realised that in order to strengthen your focus on the core businesses and grow competitive advantages, you can gain benefits and new cost-efficiencies from outsourcing your non-core activities. Besides letting you to fully focus your efforts on what you're best at, successful and well-organized outsourcing can grow profitability, improve productivity and reduce business risks. About Us: Ekatra Services was launched in Aug 2017 keeping in view the gap between consumer and skilled labor and thus becoming the largest and unique platform helping customers book reliable home services like beauty services, massage therapy, cleaning, plumbing, carpentry, appliance repair, painting and anything you can think of. The companys vision is to empower skilled people across J&K to deliver services at home like never before. Ekatra Services delivers a plethora of services that one needs everyday but not sure of where to find. So, we at EKATRA SERVICES provide a platform that allows skilled and experienced professionals to connect with users looking for specific services

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Jammu (Dbsbu), Jammu, 180011 ( Also serves in Kulgam )
Distance: 105.72 Kms

sayeed mehmood ul hussain from Jammu

"one of the best services provider in jammu"

harmeet from Jammu

"deep cleaning services is very good.... best of luck.."

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Gangyal, Jammu, 180010 ( Also serves in Kulgam )
Distance: 108.93 KmsYears of Experience: 7

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Gandhi Nagar, Jammu, 180004 ( Also serves in Kulgam )
Distance: 106.29 Kms

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