Everything You Want to Know about SAT Coaching in Nagpur
What is SAT Exam?
SAT exam is a globally recognized entrance exam used by many colleges in India and abroad. The Standardized Admission Test (SAT) is administered by the College Board and is most commonly used by Indian students to get admissions in international colleges that include universities of the US and Canada.
- SAT is a standardized admission test administered by the college board, formerly termed Scholastic Assessment Test, a globally recognized entrance exam used by most colleges and universities globally, including the US and Canada.
- SAT scores are one of the many admission criteria universities abroad look at to select students for admissions to undergraduate courses in 85 countries.
- SAT scores are one of the many admission criteria universities abroad look at to select students for admissions to undergraduate courses in 85 countries.
- The SAT exam carries 800 marks in the math section, and anyone with a good affinity towards math can score 750+.
- Get instant details of tuition fees, study material, faculty, and much more under one platform.
- Sulekha helps you connect with top institutes that offer complete guidance for candidates willing to study undergraduate programs through SAT scores. Students can now choose from thousands of options at their convenience and select a course that caters to their study abroad needs.
- Don’t go on a no-change spree!: If you find yourself answering “no change” to multiple questions, then it’s recommended that you double-check your answers. Chances are, less than twenty percent of the questions will have no change as an answer.
- Gain access to hundreds of Instructor-led coaching through reputed institutes specially designed for candidates willing to join universities abroad.
- Get trained to score high in SAT exams from highly experienced faculty affiliated with reputed educational institutes in India.
- Courses ideal for students preparing for SAT and similar tests like GRE and GMAT carry heavy weightage in aptitude and get familiar with SAT pattern holistic training that includes regular practice and mock tests to develop skills for tackling time-based exams.
- The courses offered by top institutes have a comprehensive approach and guidance for studying MBA abroad through SAT score and assist students in getting their offer letter and student visa of their dream college in the country.
Eligibility Criteria for SAT
There is only one prominent criterion that determines the eligibility of candidates for the SAT. To be considered eligible for the examination, aspirants must have cleared their higher secondary studies. As SAT 1 is primarily taken by candidates to gain admission to colleges and universities for completing their graduation, this is a basic requirement that candidates need to fulfill. Apart from this criterion, there are no other specific rules that have been laid down by the College Board, the founders and the conducting body of the SAT. Candidates with disabilities who may need alternative arrangements for appearing in the examination can request arrangements such as
- A computer for completing the optional essay section
- Extra breaks during the test
- Large-print examinations and the use of Braille for candidates who are visually impaired
- Extra time for completing the test
- Candidates who would prefer such arrangements to be made must request such arrangements in advance. The College Board has a Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) unit that makes the decisions regarding the approval of such requests. Candidates should furnish all valid proof of their condition, which makes them unable to appear for the examination in normal circumstances.
Registration for SAT in 2024
To register for the examination in 2024, students need to head over to the official SAT website and then complete the registration formalities. There are two methods to complete the SAT registration; the offline method via conventional mail and the much more convenient online method.
SAT Tips and tricks
Below is a list of the exam tips that might help you attain the SAT score you desire:
- Take advantage of the evidence questions: Here, you have to choose an excerpt that acts as the evidence for the previous question’s answer. You have a good chance of identifying the two right choices.
- Decipher context and connotation: The key here is, you must understand the connotation (positive or negative) in the passage cited by the question. Also, learning the context of a sentence and not just the sentence itself is very important.
- Skim and then read in full: Gather an overview of the passage by skimming through it once, followed by reading the questions. After this, you can go through the passage fully and gain an idea how to answer. Make sure you gather and retain the information provided in the passage.
- Make note of the key points in the questions: While going through the questions initially, highlight their key aspects. Thereby, you will probably not become confused at the time of solving.
- By heart the formulae: Though fundamental, it’s recommended that you memorise the formulae before you enter the exam hall.
- Memorize grammar and syntax: Like in the math section, memorizing the grammar rules instead of relying on logic will serve you well.
- Don’t go on a no-change spree!: If you find yourself answering “no change” to multiple questions, then it’s recommended that you double-check your answers. Chances are, less than twenty percent of the questions will have no change as an answer.
- Analyze before you start writing: Here, you are required to fully comprehend the point made before responding to the argument.
- Get yourself fully ready by the day before your SAT test date, including packing all the essentials such as admit card, ID, calculator, etc.
- Have confidence in yourself and believe that you can pass this test with flying colors. No level of preparation will suffice the confidence you need to execute on the test day. All the best.
SAT India 2024 Important Dates
SAT Dates and Deadlines