Indian Mind Leaders INC Kukatpally Hyderabad

Kukatpally, Hyderabad
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The Virtual Training Company started in California's Silicon Valley in 1996. VTC grew quickly over the next three years and relocated first in 1999 to the beautiful town of Winchester, Virginia. In 1995, the company migrated to Stephens City, Virginia. The company was founded by British born Mark Vernon who started producing CD-based training for Apple software. The format on the CDs - narrated QuickTime movies that take a user through the steps of learning complex software applications - was very well received. Soon after, VTC began producing training for Windows software. The VTC Online University went live in 1999. In the last few years VTC has opened offices in UK, Australia, New Zealand, France, South Africa, Hong Kong and Canada. VTC is also busy translating and overdubbing English titles into Spanish. French titles are also currently in production. Japan is a most difficult market and VTC is currently searching for partners with good working knowledge of the market there. The company continues to expand by consistently producing affordable training materials for computer software. VTC has also developed a fully fledged Learning Content Management System (LCMS) for improved content delivery. In late 2005 a fully fledged IT job-site complete with job search and resume submit features was made freely available. VTC subscribers are able to advertise job positions. VTC is truly a company made up of individuals who are here because we choose to be here. We are all having the time of our lives, and we are glad that you are with us.

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Mr. S. Ramesh Raju


Flat No.254, Pragathi NagarKukatpally, Hyderabad - 500072

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