Khatri Constructions Manjarli Badlapur

Manjarli, Badlapur
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The Soul and Mind of 'Khatri Constructions' is Mr Ashok Khatri, he started with a small goal but always had a big dream. He has the zeal to commit and fulfil the commitments. It is his aim that every customer should be proud of his home. His lasting relationship with us will always remain the bottom line. Ever since its inception of ‘Khatri constructions, we have believed that our success comes from its people. Wherever there are people there is an opportunity to serve. Quality has been a priority. Customer first Khatri constructions exist and prosper only because of the customer. We will respond to the changing needs and expectations of our customers speedily, courteously and effectively. Quality focus Quality is the key to delivering value for money to our customers. We will make quality a driving value in our work, in our products and in our interactions with others. We will do it 'First Time Right.'

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Khatri Constructions


Valivali Chowk, Manjarli - Valivali Rd, Valavali, Badlapur, Maharashtra 421503, India, Manjarli, Badlapur

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