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Manoj Chandkheda Ahmedabad

Chandkheda, Ahmedabad Get Direction
  • Monday - Saturday : 3 PM - 8 PM
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Experience: 9 Years Sulekha Score: 5.1 No of employees: 5
Services offered
College & University Tuitions, School Tuitions

Elevating Education: Unveiling the Power of 10th to 12th Grade School Tuitions The journey through the 10th to 12th grades is a pivotal phase in a student's academic life. As students gear up for board exams and lay the foundation for higher education, the role of school tuitions becomes increasingly significant. These tuitions provide targeted guidance, personalized attention, and specialized support that can make all the difference in achieving academic excellence. Customized Learning Paths: One of the most compelling features of school tuitions for 10th to 12th graders is their ability to adapt to individual learning needs. Every student has unique strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles. School tuitions recognize this diversity and tailor their teaching methods to suit each student, ensuring optimal understanding and retention of complex subjects. Deepening Subject Mastery: The syllabus of 10th to 12th grades introduces students to intricate concepts and advanced topics. School tuitions offer an environment conducive to delving deeper into subjects, fostering a comprehensive understanding of theories, equations, and principles. This depth of knowledge not only enhances exam performance but also lays a strong foundation for higher studies. Addressing Doubts and Queries: In a traditional classroom, students might hesitate to voice their doubts or queries due to time constraints or the fear of appearing uninformed. School tuitions provide a safe space for students to ask questions freely. Tutors encourage active participation, ensuring that every doubt is clarified and every question answered comprehensively. Board Exam Preparedness: Board exams are a defining milestone in a student's academic journey. School tuitions are strategically designed to align with board exam patterns and requirements. Tutors focus on teaching exam-specific concepts, imparting time management skills, and conducting mock tests to familiarize students with the exam format – all of which significantly boost students' confidence when facing the big day. Enhanced Confidence and Performance: As students witness their understanding of subjects improving, their confidence receives a substantial boost. This newfound confidence translates into better performance in both assessments and exams. The positive cycle of understanding, practicing, and succeeding reinforces the belief that they can overcome academic challenges. Balancing Multiple Subjects: 10th to 12th graders often deal with a diverse range of subjects that demand varying levels of attention and effort. School tuitions assist students in maintaining a balanced approach to their studies. Tutors guide them in allocating time to different subjects, ensuring that no topic is neglected and that students can manage their academic load effectively. Holistic Skill Development: School tuitions aren't just about academic prowess; they contribute to holistic skill development. Tutors mentor students in effective study habits, time management, critical thinking, and problem-solving – skills that prove invaluable not just in exams but also in their future endeavors. Cultivating Lifelong Learners: Beyond immediate academic goals, school tuitions instill a love for learning that extends far beyond the classroom. By providing students with a deeper understanding of subjects, tuitions inspire curiosity and a desire to explore knowledge on their own terms. In summation, school tuitions for 10th to 12th graders serve as catalysts for academic growth and achievement. With their personalized approach, exam-focused guidance, and comprehensive support, these tuitions equip students not only to excel in their immediate educational goals but also to embark on a lifelong journey of intellectual curiosity and success.

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Hindi, English

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Contact Person

Manojkumar Jha


C 602, Jantha Nagar, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad - 382424

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