SLV Structures Horamavu Bangalore

Horamavu, Bangalore
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SLV Structures is a highly reputed name in Bangalore as one of the fastest growing property developers. It was established by Mr. G.K. Rajagopal Naidu in the year 2004 with its Head Office in Bangalore. Since then it has successfully completed the construction of the best residential projects and worked hard to offer the most economical and luxurious apartments and commercial space for its prestigious clients. The team of SLV Structures strives to create innovative designs and sophisticated classy homes that convert the “dreams” into reality. We at SLV Structures concentrate on the “Uniqueness in Landscapes” with applying the World class standards of quality, technology and techniques to complete the development of projects in specified time without compromising on traditional values and Business Ethics. This feature has greatly helped us in having an edge over our competitors and in offering the best and effective projects to our clients and customers with complete satisfaction. Our team at SLV Structures is proud to announce that we have successfully completed 9 Eco Friendly projects and are soon going to complete few more to add to our list of achievements. We have provided the best “World Class Homes” in Land Mark Townships to create “Supreme Value” for the hard earned money invested by our customers. This has lead our customers get into the highly beneficial stage leading them to become the repeated customers for SLV Structures and worked in marketing our projects through “Word of Mouth” publicity. SLV Structures is known for offering the best connectivity and amenities whether it is residential properties, Commercial Townships, IT Parks. Our teams of highly qualified and experienced professionals are experts in designing innovative and creative ways of construction of Houses, Apartments and Villas. We also assist our clients with bank loans and financial assistance is just not difficult because all our projects are Legally Approved by Government Authority. Mission The mission of our team at SLV Structures is to deliver customized service to cater to the requirements of our individual clients with promoting greenery and Vaasthu features as a priority, so that our clients gain from it, “Health wise and Wealth wise”. Aim Our aim is to deliver the best life style to our customers with surrounded greenery and natural environment to give you a complete ravishing and awesome experience of living in the mist of nature and experiencing a happy and healthy stress free and non polluted life.

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Sri Maruthi Groups


Mahatma Gandhi Rd, Horamavu, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560043, India, Horamavu, Bangalore - 560043

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