The Internation School Agra Bamrauli Katara Agra

Bamrauli Katara, Agra
  • Monday - Saturday : 8 AM - 3:30 PM
  • Closed Now 8 AM - 3:30 PM Tuesday
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CBSE Schools

Every school is recognized by how well it prepares and inspires each child along their journey towards success and accomplishments. At TISA, we create a unique environment and space for children to grow holistically, with an atmosphere where each child feels safe, valued and cared. We welcome students from diverse backgrounds to achieve academic standards of highest degree and develop into magnificent personalities and responsible citizens. The Motto of the school is sowing "Seeds of Success", which aims at providing the students with safe, secure and friendly environment. To achieve this we strive to offer global standards in curriculum, sports and teaching with comprehensive and multi-dimensional academics and cultural exploration. Our purpose is to provide an environment in which every student discovers and realizes his/her full potential through global exposure without compromising on its roots of Indian culture. Through our institution we will cultivate all round development of qualities that will foster academics, creative, social and emotional skills. THE TISA CULTURE TISA aspires to be a new paradigm school with a distinct focus on following: To create a platform for learning with emphasis on proactive thinking, thus moulding a generation of complete and creative individuals. To nurture the curiosity, creativity and imagination of every child. To promote moral values and encourage awareness and understanding of different ways of life. To engage parents proactively by making communication easy, informative and effective. To provide an enriching learning environment for the children and prepare them to meet the challenges of the brave new world. To provide quality education without prejudice and bias.

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9th Mile Stone, Fatehabad Road, Bamrauli Katara, Agra - 282006

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Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the nearest landmark ?

You can easily locate the establishment as it is in close to NEAR Shanti Madhyamik Shiksha Kendra

What are business working hours?

  • Monday - Saturday : 8 AM - 3:30 PM

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