Zodiacsxii Shyam Bazaar Kolkata

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Dr. Souvvik Ghosh (Gold Medalist) has done his P.hd in VEDIC ASTROLOGY and has been awarded the VIDHYA BRACHASPATI. He has done his masters in Vedic astrology too. He has done extensive research so that the ancient science could be formulated to help the modern human race. He is associated with many astrology forums internationally and has received two prestigious awards in Astrology - JYOTISH MAHACHARYA and BANGA JYOTISH RATNA. According to him , Astrology is the map and life is the territory. Proper implication of Astrology can bring light, hope and success in one's life. He has a remarkable knowledge in healing modalities, crystals, colour therapy, gems and other vedic remedies. The uniqueness of his approach is the result of a combination of Vedic Astrology , numerology , tarot and psychic reading. He has formulated an unique remedial measure combining different modalities of energy sciences . While studying, he found that healing an issue is the most important and integral part to get a positive outcome. Dr.Souvvik is a Reiki practitioner and Master teacher of Lama Fera ( Tibetan healing modality) ,which is considered to be one of the most powerful healing modalities known to human race. He is practicing the same along with his Astro guidance and his clients have immensely benefited from it. Simple practices can heal issues of relationships, financial blockages, health,mental depression etc . In other words, the manifesting becomes easier. Apart from the mainstream Vedic astrology, he is an expert in Astro Numerology, Vaastu consultation, tarot card reading and past life regression. New age psychic readings and past life regression healing are also his specialities. In modern Astrology, a great emphasis is also given in Aura reading and DNA healings, which he has done and is practising successfully for a long time. He is a professional Hypnotherapist, Psychoanalyst and NLP practitioner which have also given him a better application on life challenges in a scientific way. He has the opportunity to cater to a vast range of people of different ages and professions over 12 years. He has developed a very modern and scientific approach to heal issues related to education, marriage, relationship, business, services and many other spheres of life. Dr.Ghosh has had the opportunity to learn from many scholars in the field and is also in the teaching profession , educating new aspirants with the subject.

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Jyotish Acharya Dr.Souvvik Ghosh ( Gold medalist)


10b,Shibdas Bhaduri St,Fariapukur, Shyam Bazaar, Kolkata - 700004

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  • Sunday - Saturday : 24 Hrs (Open)

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