Calorx Pre-School Maninagar Ahmedabad

Maninagar, Ahmedabad
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Calorx Pre-School is a professionally managed autonomous institution focusing its activities on K-21 education since its inception in 1995. It is important that schools form partnerships with parents to promote the social, emotional, and academic growth of children. It is the responsibility of all of us - parents, teachers, community members, and students to work together to help every child succeed. Children benefit greatly from loving, supportive relationships at home and at school. Research says family involvement in education makes a difference. You can make a significant difference in your child's achievement at school and in life. Parents are their children first teachers. You provide the foundation upon which all learning is built. We must invest time in helping our children grow into good citizens who live a life of purpose. Together we can help our children succeed. All tasks are made easier when shared. Let's strengthen our partnership.The seed of success lies in the development of basic human characteristics in a child. Calorx Pre School aims at providing education, which instills values, enables students to explore their surroundings and learn through fun and play.The curriculum and methodology is designed by combining the traditional Montessori method with interactive participatory approach, to ensure that each child adds value to his growth - each moment, each day. "Learning can be fun" becomes a factual reality when the child, through music, dramatic play, story telling, group activity, communication, creative and visual imagery and the introduction to the 3 R's, develops confidence, self esteem and a 'desire for learning'. The informal setting focuses on play and spontaneity, which conditions the child's perspective. The emphasis is on all-round development, which encompasses emotional and social development, gross and fine motor skills, language development and academic skills. Contact us for further details

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Mrunal Desai


KankariaManinagar, Ahmedabad - 380008

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Which is the nearest landmark ?

You can easily locate the establishment as it is in close to OPPOSITE Punit Ashram, Near Nelson School

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