D P Jayantudu Kothapet Hyderabad

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Sulekha Score: 6.7
Services offered
Domestic Help Services

D P Jayantudu is a dedicated professional in the field of domestic help services, with a strong focus on providing comprehensive care to individuals in need. With expertise in various areas, including disabled care, elderly care, full-time in-house assistance, part-time support, and specialized care such as physiotherapy and post-surgical care, Jayantudu has earned a reputation for delivering exceptional service and compassionate care to his clients. Disabled Care: Jayantudu understands the unique challenges that individuals with disabilities face on a daily basis. Whether it's physical or intellectual disabilities, he ensures that his clients receive the utmost care and support they require. His empathetic approach and personalized care plans make a significant difference in the lives of those he serves. Elderly Care: Jayantudu is particularly skilled in providing care to the elderly population. He recognizes the importance of promoting their independence while offering assistance with daily activities and tasks. He builds strong connections with his elderly clients, creating a nurturing and comfortable environment for them to thrive in their golden years. Full-Time In-House Assistance: For clients who require round-the-clock care, Jayantudu offers full-time in-house services. He is highly reliable and attentive, providing continuous care and attention to his clients' needs. Whether it's assistance with daily chores, medication management, or emotional support, he ensures a safe and comfortable living environment. Full-Time (9-12 hrs) and Part-Time (Less than 5 hrs): Recognizing that every client's needs are unique, Jayantudu provides flexible options for care. Whether clients need extended support for a substantial part of the day or just a few hours of assistance, he tailors his services accordingly to ensure their well-being. Physiotherapy Care: Jayantudu is knowledgeable in physiotherapy techniques and works with clients to improve their mobility and overall physical well-being. He follows prescribed exercise routines and collaborates with healthcare professionals to maximize the benefits of physiotherapy for his clients. Post-Surgical Care: After surgery, individuals often require extra attention and care to aid their recovery process. Jayantudu is experienced in providing post-surgical care, ensuring that clients follow their medication schedules, engage in proper wound care, and receive the necessary rest and support to recover fully. Jayantudu's passion for domestic help services goes beyond mere job responsibilities. He takes pride in making a positive impact on the lives of those he serves and strives to improve their overall quality of life. With a warm and caring demeanor, he quickly becomes an invaluable part of his clients' lives and gains their trust and appreciation. His dedication to professional development keeps him updated with the latest caregiving techniques and best practices, enabling him to deliver the highest standard of care to his clients. Jayantudu's commitment to excellence and compassionate approach truly sets him apart as a remarkable domestic help services provider in the community.

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D P Jayantudu


11-13-903/209, Prajay Alkapuri, Green Hills , Kothapet, Hyderabad - 500035

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  • Sunday - Saturday : 24 Hrs (Open)

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