Jyothirmayee Virugambakkam Chennai

Virugambakkam, Chennai
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M/s. Jyothirmayee has a team of experienced astrologers. They have tremendous knowledge in predictions of ones horoscope. We have predicted Thousands and Thousands of horoscopes and never failed at least in one case. Our predictions are based on horoscopes and of Prashna Jathakam only. If we suggest a power 9 ring to a particular horoscope it will definitely fetch peace and success. If anybody wants to meet our team of astrologers, you have to get prior appointment. We also believe in service rather than money. Mr.P. Vittal the founder of this organisation Jyothirmayee, was previously an ad film maker. He was promoting products and concepts in the media. He has belief in Hindu Vedic astrology since his childhood, but never thought of promoting astrology as his main concept. He is the first man to promote this concept in the media. He has stanch belief in this science. He wanted this science to be taken to all mankind irrespective of religion. This is based on mathematical calculations and it's no way concerned to the religion, even though linked to Hinduism. He believes God is all powerful and kept his precious stone Rings name as Power 9 Ring.

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Vital Kumar


#10/5Twinkle Roof Apartments2nd Street, S.B.I. ColonyVirugambakkam, Chennai - 600092

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