Neeraj kumar Electronic City Bangalore

Electronic City, Bangalore Business Locality
  • Monday - Saturday : 24 Hrs
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Sulekha Score: 6.4
Services offered
School Tuitions

It seems like you've mentioned "Neeraj Kumar" in the context of school tuitions and specified that they have 12 years of experience. However, it's not clear what specific information or assistance you're seeking about Neeraj Kumar and their experience in school tuitions. If you have any specific questions or if there's more information you'd like to share or inquire about, please provide additional details, and I'll do my best to assist you. Welcome to Neeraj Kumar School Tuitions, where learning takes center stage and academic success becomes a journey of discovery and excellence. With a steadfast commitment to education, we proudly bring two years of expertise to the vibrant city of Bangalore. At Neeraj Kumar School Tuitions, our mission is to empower students with the knowledge and skills they need to excel in their academic pursuits. With a focus on school tuitions, we cater to students across various grades and subjects, providing personalized and effective learning experiences. Our team of dedicated and experienced educators at Neeraj Kumar School Tuitions is passionate about nurturing young minds and fostering a love for learning. We believe in a holistic approach to education that goes beyond textbooks, encouraging critical thinking, problem-solving, and a deep understanding of the subjects. Located in the educational hub of Bangalore, we understand the unique challenges and aspirations of students in this dynamic city. Our tuition center is designed to be a supportive and inspiring environment where students can thrive academically and personally. At Neeraj Kumar School Tuitions, we recognize that every student is unique, and our teaching methods reflect this diversity. Whether it's mathematics, science, language arts, or any other subject, our experienced faculty tailors their approach to meet the individual needs of each student, ensuring a comprehensive and effective learning experience. We take pride in our team of passionate educators and support staff who work tirelessly to create a positive and encouraging atmosphere for our students. Our goal is not only to help students achieve academic success but also to instill in them a love for learning that lasts a lifetime. Join us at Neeraj Kumar School Tuitions and embark on a journey of academic excellence. Whether you're preparing for exams, seeking additional support, or aiming for top grades, we are here to guide you every step of the way. Neeraj Kumar School Tuitions is not just a place for learning; it's a community that believes in the potential of every student. Your academic goals, our commitment to education – together, we pave the way for a bright and successful future. Welcome to a world where knowledge opens doors and learning is a lifelong adventure.        

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Neeraj kumar


No. 13/2A, No. 56, Vliayanagara, Electronic City, Bangalore - 560100

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  • Monday - Saturday : 24 Hrs (Open)

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