The Tongue Tie and Sleep Institute By Dentician Sion West Mumbai

Sion West, Mumbai
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"For us dentistry is not just about your smile, but your complete emotional, mental and physical well-being.” The roof of the mouth is the floor of the nose. Breathing is the bridge which connects dentistry and one’s overall health. Starting off as a Pediatric Dentist, Dr. Ankita was exposed to the role of oral myofascial dysfunction on maxillofacial development and malocclusion during her Fellowship in MFS Orthodontics from the OWI Institute, Barcelona, Spain. Her deep passion for learning led her to meticulously focus her research on the complex relationship and impact of tongue-ties on breastfeeding, jaw growth, airway-breathing, sleep & TMJ in both Children & Adults. Dentician is the leading center of India mastering the field of Airway Orthodontics and Virtual Oral Myofunctional Therapy which recognises the fact that sleep and breathing disorders are caused by narrow and the backward position of jaws and incorrect tongue resting posture. We aim at offering anxiety and pain free dental treatment in children by pioneering the use of laughing gas sedation dentistry. By combining the latest technologies and research, we give our patients the best available oral care. By combining the latest technologies and research, we give our patients the best available oral care. Tongue ties is another key facet that can affect our airway which often go undiagnosed. Tongue ties in infancy mainly shows up as breastfeeding struggles. In a child it presents itself as affecting jaw growth, speech, picky eating, thumb sucking, clenching, mouthbreathing, snoring or disturbed sleep. In adults it progresses to affect the TMJ, breathing, sleep(mouthbreathing, snoring, UARS, Sleep apnea), anxiety, posture and a quality of life. Adults suffering from undiagnosed airway and sleep disorders often end up suffering from TMJ disorders. Adults suffering from TMD often have symptoms related to eyes, mouth, throat, ears, jaw, neck, headaches, vertigo, posture, anxiety and sleep. At Dentician, we take pride in helping these patients who may be misdiagnosed with psychosomatic pain using minimally invasive and sustainable therapies for joint rehabilitation. Tongue Tie & Sleep Institute by Dentician focuses on providing a comprehensive, holistic and multidisciplinary approach. We wish to change the way in which medicine has approached problems in the past and provide patients with a redefined experience to dentistry at our practice. Your family's path to optimum health care starts here!

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Dr.Ankita Shah


502 Royal Apartment, Bhaudaji Road, Sion West, Sion West, Mumbai - 400022

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