Sea 'N' Sky Logistics HBR Layout Bangalore

HBR Layout, Bangalore
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Cargo & Shipping Agents

SEA ‘N’ SKY LOGISTICS leadership, vision and commitment to customers have made the company a leading provider of global logistics solutions and helping more businesses around the world become supply chain information-driven than any other company. We are a full service International Freight Forwarding & Logistics Provider across the world with a focus on providing our clients, partners, and agents with efficient and cost effective integrated transportation solutions for both air and ocean, import and export, to or from any destination. SEA ‘N’ SKY LOGISTICS represents a multinational corporation that recognizes our employees as individuals. We prefer to solve logistics problems, delivering the highest attention to detail in the provision of our core competencies in domestic handling and international freight transportation, integrated warehouse, distribution management and logistics. SEA ‘N’ SKY LOGISTICS has pioneered innovative logistics and supply chain services for industries including: high technology, consumer products, electronics, automotive, retailing and pharmaceutical. Building upon our experience as an in-house traffic operation, we are positioned to handle the most demanding shipments and schedules. We are tenacious in reducing delay and pressing for on-time delivery at every step. SEA ‘N’ SKY LOGISTICS and its experienced staff meet your transportation needs in the most efficient and trouble-free manner possible. In today's world of international trade and global commerce, there is more emphasis than ever before on the value of maintaining a smooth and efficient supply chain that links suppliers with customers in a seamless manner. Our selection of value added services and solutions allows our clients to focus on their core business.

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Velu. M


#6845th Cross, 5th Block, 1st StageHBR Layout, Bangalore - 560043

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