Abhishikta Mukhopadhyay Jadavpur kolkata

Jadavpur, kolkata Business Locality
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Sulekha Score: 7.3
Services offered
Dance Classes, Artists on Hire

For Beginners - Simplified movements and basics of kathak, chakkar, basic tatkar, some tukra, tehai, amad, ranga manch tukda, tora, etc. And very basic theoretical knowledge. Intermediate - balance of rythme with the theka of a specific taal, other taal, Vandana, Bhajan, paran, kavit, ladi, laykari, upaj, etc. Commercial composition of kathak and choreography in various instrumental and vocal tracks. In theory, knowledge of jatis, nava rasa, difference of gharana, study of specified Sastra linked to the evolution of kathak. Knowledge of different mastroes of different gharana. Specialised intensives - this depends on the selection of the student on which topic intensives are required. Each field have a different spectrum of training curriculum.

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Abhishikta Mukhopadhyay


D/11, Katjunagar, Jadavpur, Kolkata-700032 , Jadavpur, kolkata - 700032

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